First Test with GÖZDE Ammunition

First Test with GÖZDE Ammunition

Defence Industry Agency (SSB) signed the Modern Ammunition Supply Project to provide the serial production of the GÖZDE guidance kit. TÜBİTAK SAGE has developed the kit which transforms MK-82 general-purpose bombs into smart bombs guided with INS/GPS and Laser Seeker. The new bombs may hit fixed and high-speed moving targets at (50-120 km/h).

Flight tests of GÖZDE ammunition were completed, and the first tests were carried out from the F-16 and AKINCI UCAV platforms. The tests showed that the target was hit with high precision.

The F-16 certification tests were carried out at the Konya Karapınar Shooting Range. Representatives from Air Force Command, SSB, ASELSAN, and TÜBİTAK SAGE attended the test campaign, in which the GÖZDE-ANS guided-kit bomb hit the laser-marked target by the tracking plane with high precision. GÖZDE was later integrated into the AKINCI platform.

ASELSAN Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO Professor Haluk Görgün stated that the flight tests of the GÖZDE ammunition were carried out successfully and added, "The GÖZDE-ANS guided-kit bomb, which was released from an altitude of 28,500 feet, at a speed of 0.9 Mach, hit the target at a range of 13 km. It was marked with a laser by the second aircraft. Another GÖZDE-ANS guided-kit bomb, released at a speed of 0.9 Mach from an altitude of 40 thousand feet within the scope of the F-16 certification tests, hit the laser-marked target at a distance of 21 km. GOZDE-ANS; MK-82 (500 lb) is a kit that converts general-purpose bombs to ANS/Laser guided ones and can hit targets at a range of 28 km with high precision when dropped from an altitude of 40 thousand feet from F-16 aircraft.