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FNSS Introduces Hybrid Powertrain Solution

FNSS Introduces Hybrid Powertrain Solution

FNSS introduced its hybrid powertrain solution at IDEF. This work, which has been ongoing for more than three years, aims to respond to the needs of the modern battlefield. The system is also a candidate to be a solution to the problems experienced in the procurement of power systems from abroad. 

The hybrid power group uses some sub-components supplied from abroad to reduce costs. However, FNSS has announced that all parts can be indigenised upon request. Evaluating the programme in three stages, FNSS first installed the hybrid power pack on a 20-ton class-tracked vehicle. In the second phase, it will integrate a similar system into 30–40-ton class vehicles. FNSS plans to integrate the system into the Kaplan light tanks in this context. Due to the fact that battery technologies have not yet reached the required level, the company has postponed the third phase, which involves equipping main battle tanks with new hybrid engines, to a later date when technological competence will be on the agenda. 

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FNSS, which is currently engaged in the modernisation of IFVs and Advanced Armoured Personnel Carriers (AAPC) in the inventory of the Land Forces Command, is hopeful that its indigenous hybrid engine will also be preferred in a possible third package. The hybrid engines, quieter and more efficient than conventional diesel engines, also offer higher torque, providing higher acceleration and up to ten per cent increase in range compared to its similar horsepower counterpart. The company has also indigenously developed the power pack's temperature control systems and software. FNSS has taken special measures to prevent the heat generated when the battery in the cabin is charged from reflecting outside. Speaking at the launch, FNSS CEO Nail KURT emphasised that the hybrid powertrain they developed is not only for their products but also for cooperation with other land system manufacturers.