France has Test-fired M51.3 SLBM

France has Test-fired M51.3 SLBM

French armament office DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement) coordinated and conducted a test firing of the submarine-launched ballistic Missile (SLBM) M51 missile without military charge from its Biscarrosse test range. This was the first firing of a M51 missile in the M51.3 version. The test firing confirms the proper functioning of the M51 missile system and contributes to the qualification of the missile system in its new M51.3 version.

The M51 missile was monitored throughout its flight phase by the DGA Missile Testing Centre of Expertise, the Hourtin & Quimper stations, and the “Le Monge” test and telemonitoring building. The fallout zone is located several hundred kilometres from any coast.

According to open sources, it will have an increased range and an improved capability.

The M51 is designed to replace the M45 SLBM. The base version is known to carry six to ten TN 75 150kt thermonuclear warheads. The warheads are independently targetable.