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German Company Hensoldt Equips TB2

German Company Hensoldt Equips TB2

Germany sells its detection and sensors systems ARGOS II HDT to Turkey. The electro-optical sensor and target identification system will be put on a Turkish drone, Tb2 "Bayraktar," according to the Greek website.

The newspaper cites the German state television station ZDF, which revealed that the systems are being sold to Turkey by the German business Hensoldt. On the other hand, Germany has not formally informed Turkey of any proclaimed ban.

Hensoldt is regarded as one of the world"s premier corporations in its area. It has a global presence and made more than 1.2 billion euros in profits last year.

It also has several subsidiaries outside of Germany, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, and India. It has companies in South Africa, Hensoldt Optronics and GEW Technologies LTD, through which it provides technology and equipment to Turkey.

German law permits the shipment of weapons equipment to Turkey and other nations via subsidiaries of German corporations based in other countries.

German Company Hensoldt Equips TB2