Güler Welcomes Eurofighter and Distances Himself from F-35

Güler Welcomes Eurofighter and Distances Himself from F-35

Turkish Defence Minister Yaşar Güler approached Eurofighter, implying they were not close to the F-35 program. Minister Güler, who hosted a group of journalists in his office, responded to issues related to the defence agenda. The question-and-answer meeting on the Ministry of National Defence website discussed the following issues. 

Question: Is there a possibility of returning to the F-35? Will F-16 production be in Turkiye?

Minister Güler: We are working on the offer letter sent by the U.S. regarding the F-16 request. It is a 23-billion-dollar project, but we do not have to get the entire package. We will act according to Turkiye's interest. Our negotiations continue regarding the production and modernization of F-16s in Turkiye. I think we can reclaim the money we paid for the F-35. Negotiations continue on this issue. We need to focus on KAAN at this stage.

Question: What is the latest situation in Eurofighter?

Minister Güler: Our attempts to purchase Eurofighter aircraft continue. In this context, it would be the right approach for our allies to make decisions in line with the spirit of the alliance and the common security perspective. Our British interlocutors state that they are working to persuade Germany.

Question: How will the capacity of the domestic defence industry and the Turkish Armed Forces develop in the future?

Minister Güler: Our whole concern is to create a deterrent force. We do not want to fight with anyone, nor are we interested in anyone's land. But we do not give our pebbles to anyone. Let us be such a power that we can be a complete deterrent force. Nobody should mess with us. Türkiye is heading towards completely different horizons. We are doing everything in terms of deterrence. We will continue to do so.