IDF Completed the First Series of Live-Fire Tests of The “C-Dome”

IDF Completed the First Series of Live-Fire Tests of The “C-Dome”

The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) said on Monday that it had successfully tested the naval configuration of the Iron Dome missile defence system: The C-Dome. The Israel Missile Defence Organization (IMDO), in the Directorate for Defence R&D of the Israel Ministry of Defence, the IDF and Rafael Advanced Defence Systems tested the ‘C-Dome’ system.

“Israel has successfully completed the first series of live-fire tests of the ‘C-Dome’—an advanced naval configuration of the Iron Dome Aerial Defence System—aboard the Israeli Navy Ship Sa’ar 6 ‘Magen’ Class Corvette,” the IDF tweeted. The series of tests simulated several advanced threats, including rocket fire, cruise missiles & UAVs, which the ‘C-Dome’ is designed to intercept successfully.IDF Completed the First Series of Live-Fire Tests of The “C-Dome”This live-fire test is a significant milestone that proves the Israeli Navy’s operational capabilities to defend the State of Israel’s strategic assets and critical interests against present and evolving threats. The experiments included rocket fire, cruise missile assaults, and unmanned aerial vehicles. The C-Dome will be incorporated into Israel’s air defence system.IDF Completed the First Series of Live-Fire Tests of The “C-Dome”Israel obtained four Sa’ar 6 warships, considered to be vital pillars in the c’s maritime protection of its waters and gas resources in the sea, from Germany, where the vessels were built, over the past several years.The ‘C-Dome’ was used for the first time against several advanced threats aboard the Israeli Naval Ship (INS) Sa’ar 6 ‘Magen’ corvette. The ‘C-Dome’ communicates with the ‘Adir’ radar on the Saar 6, created by IAI’s ELTA division.It joins other advanced systems that makeup Israel’s multi-tier missile defence array, including the Arrow and David’s Sling systems.