India Test Fires BrahMos ER

India Test Fires BrahMos ER

India has announced that the Indian Army BrahMos Missile Regiment has successfully test-fired the Extended-Range (ER) surface-to-surface version of the BrahMos missile (BrahMos-ER) near the Eastern Seaboard archipelago. The test firing took place on October 10 against a ground target. The BrahMos-ER is an extended-range version of the missile and incorporates a liquid-propellant Ramjet engine. These tests were part of the supersonic missile’s pre-induction trials.

Russia’s NPO Mashinostroyeniya (NPO Mash) and India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation's (DRDO) joint venture BrahMos Aerospace developed the BrahMos ER. 

According to unofficial calculations, its maximum range may have reached 450-500 km, compared to 290 km, the maximum range of the original version.