Indonesia Acquires Roketsan’s Atmaca Missiles

Indonesia Acquires Roketsan’s Atmaca Missiles

According to Janes, the contract will be implemented through the local company PT Republic Defensindo, while it is not yet known which ships are intended for. It is worth noting that the Indonesian Media has not confirmed the sale until the article is published.

Turkiye’s Roketsan produces the Atmaca (Hawk) range exceeding 220 kilometres, replacing the US RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile in the Turkish Navy. 

Turkish defence companies Roketsan and Aselsan and turbine engine producer Kale Arge collaborated on its development. Each Atmaca round weighs 750 kg and comprises a 5.2-meter-long missile airframe with a 1.4-meter wingspan and a 220-kilogram high explosive warhead.

In February 2021, Turkiye conducted the first live-fire test of the Atmaca missile, launched from the Ada-class corvette TCG Kınalıada F 514.

Indonesia is currently working on several anti-ship missile programmes. The RN01-SS anti-ship and land attack missile is currently being developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Defence and several companies. RN01-SS stands for National Missile 01 (Rudal Nasional 01) - Surface to Surface.

In February 2022, it became public that the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) wanted to procure fast missile boats armed with Konsberg’s Naval Strike Missile (NSM). 

System Specifications

  • Autonomous
  • Long range
  • Low Radar Cross Section
  • High Precision
  • Operable in All Weather Conditions
  • Resistant to Countermeasures
  • Target Update, Re-Attack and Mission Abort Capability via Data Link
  • 3D Mission Planning
  • Time on Target [ToT], Designated Time on Target [DToT], Simultaneous Time on Target [SToT], Ripple [Salvo] Fire
  • Engagement against Land and Surface Targets from Surface and Underwater Platforms
  • Re-Attack Mode
  • Engagement against Land and Surface Targets from Surface and Underwater Platforms

Technical Specifications

Length4.3 - 5.2 m
Weight< 750 kg
Range> 220 km
GuidanceINS* + GPS** + Barometric Altimeter + Radar Altimeter
WarheadHigh Explosive Fragmentation Effective Penetration
Warhead Weight220 kg
SeekerActive RF