Iran Claims Capacity to hit US Bases in the Middle East

Iran Claims Capacity to hit US Bases in the Middle East
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC ) aerospace unit commander, Brigadier General Amirali Hajizadeh, announced on February 23, 2023, that Iran now has a cruise missile range of 1,650 km in its arsenal. Iran Claims Capacity to hit US Bases in the Middle EastAll US bases in the Middle East and Israeli territory are within the range of this cruise missile, dubbed Paveh. General Hajizadeh added that the IRGC cut a quarter of the missile"s weight and shortened its launch time. But Iran still keeps the actual specifications and performance of the secret cruise missile.Iran Claims Capacity to hit US Bases in the Middle EastThe West recently imposed sanctions on Iran for reportedly supplying Russia with attack drones and kamikaze drones to attack Ukraine.