Israel develops voice commands to control drones

Israel develops voice commands to control drones

Israel is working on a system that allows ground troops to use voice commands against unmanned systems or drones. This technology development effort has been ongoing for two years as part of developing new tools for the Israel Defence Forces (IDF).

An official at the Defence Research and Development Directorate of the Israeli Defence Ministry said the system is about voice dialogue between humans and machines.“It’s called Casper, and we wanted the system to be a member of the team: a hybrid team of human and nonhuman operating and working together,” the official told Defense News.“To make this happen, we needed the drone as a team member so I can say ‘go forward’ or ‘cover me,’ and the drone can say it observes an objective 90 degrees from us,” the official added.Israel develops voice commands to control dronesThis partnership of manned and unmanned systems, continued the source, is commonly known as MUM-T.To make this happen, drones are needed as team members. The troops will then give the order to advance and protect me. Then the drone will do its job.He said that the voice command system is being designed for use with various unmanned systems but currently only understands Hebrew.He explained that as much as 80 per cent of the capabilities of this technology would involve controlling basic drone capabilities, such as taking off and flying to a certain height.Meanwhile, the remaining 20 per cent ​​is focused on ordering drones to investigate or detect targets.