Israel Grounds F-35As Following F-35B Crash

Israel Grounds F-35As Following F-35B Crash

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) reported on Sunday that it grounded 11 F-35A stealth fighters out of 33 following the advice of the F-35 Lightning II Joint Programme Office (JPO). The data and findings from the recent crash of a U.S. F-35B fighter jet in Texas indicate the need for a dedicated inspection to determine if the Israeli system is at risk of a similar malfunction.

Israeli F-35As are assigned to the 116th Lions of the South Squadron and the 140th Golden Eagle Squadron. IDF says findings suggest Israeli jets must undergo a dedicated inspection to rule out possible malfunctions; adds that IAF will analyse data and execute a protocol for their safe return to operational duty.

Israel Grounds F-35As Following F-35B Crash

The incident prompted the Israeli review at a north Texas military base on December 16. After a failed landing, the pilot was forced to eject from an F-35 B fighter. Videos shared on social media showed the jet descending vertically onto the runway, briefly touching its wheels to the ground before its nose dipped, causing the crash.

Some of IAF’s F-35As are upgraded to F-35I Adir but the Force’s declaration does not indicate the version.