Israel has 33 F-35I Adir in the Inventory

Israel has 33 F-35I Adir in the Inventory

With the arrival of the new aircraft, the country"s F-35I Adir fleet now has 33 units. In September 2021, the IAF declared Initial Operational Capability (IOC). An additional 17 F-35 planes will arrive in Israel by 2024, bringing the total number of aircraft to 50. The exact number has not been announced yet.

Israel has 33 F-35I Adir in the Inventory

(Photo: Last delivered three F-35I Adir jets seen parked at a European airport on the way to Israel )

Today the Israeli Air Force has two operational fighter squadrons, the 140th and 116th. The country was the first country to select the F-35 to equip its air arsenal, and in 2010 a defence agreement was signed with the United States, with the first delivery taking place six years later.