January 19: A Big Day “four” Turkish Navy

January 19: A Big Day “four” Turkish Navy

A delivery ceremony will be held in Istanbul on January 19, 2024, for Turkiye’s first national frigate, TCG Istanbul F-515, first Replenishment at Sea and Combat Support Ship, TCG Derya A-1590, TCG Arif Ekmekçi (A-575) Logistic Support Ship and Marlin Unmanned Surface Vessel. All four ships will enter the Navy’s inventory.

The ceremony, which President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is expected to attend, will be held in Istanbul. With the entry of TCG Istanbul (F 515) into the inventory, the retirement process of Yavuz class frigates will actually begin.

TCG Derya.jpg

TCG Derya A-1590 will serve as a force multiplier for the Naval Forces. The range and logistics power that the Turkish Naval Forces can reach without visiting a port will increase significantly. This ship has multiple uses as it has the capability to act as a command and control ship in wartime. TCG Derya A-1590, which will be the second largest ship of the Navy, stands out with its ability to conduct joint operations with USVs.

TCG UTGM. Arif Ekmekci (A-575)  Logistic Support Ship is the second ship in the Logistics Support Ship Project. The ship was constructed at Selah Shipyard. Following financial difficulties that the shipyard underwent, STM became the prime contractor. The flag hoisting ceremony for TCG Ütğm. Arif Ekmekçi (A-575), was held on 5 July, 2023. After the ceremony, TCG Ütğm. Arif Ekmekçi (A-575) started her Ship Acceptance (Cruise) Tests. STM delivered the first ship in the programme, TCG Yzb. Güngör Durmuş (A-574) to Turkish Navy on 22 December 2022.

Turkish Navy will also receive the first USV into inventory. The vessel is a joint product of ASELSAN and Sefine Shipyard.  The vessel is designed for surface and electronic warfare, reconnaissance and surveillance, base/port/critical ship facility security, and amphibious operations. 

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