KC-390 Refuelled Each Other

KC-390 Refuelled Each Other

The company announced the success from its official social media accounts. The aircraft used underwing refuelling pods and a hose and drogue system to pass aviation gas from one transport to another.

The company said that “This allows KC-390 Millennium operators to expand their logistical transport capacity.”

The KC-390 has an unrefuelled range of 1,520nm (2,810km), while carrying a 23,000kg (50,700lb) payload.

The demonstrations were conducted at Embraer’s Gaviao Peixoto site in southeast Brazil and included pilots and engineers from the FAB.

The Embraer has successfully conducted a new test with the participation of two of its medium transport aircraft, KC-390: one aircraft acted as an “air tanker”, the other - was actually refuelled in the air.

Aircraft and pilots of the Brazilian Air Force took part in such tests. The test was completed successfully. Until now, KC-390 aircraft were used as “air tankers” only for refuelling tactical aircraft.

KC-390 Refuelled Each Other

At present, the Brazilian Air Force has four serial KC-390 aircraft in the inventory with a total of 2,500 flight hours in the air.

In February, the Brazilian air force sent one of its KC-390s to Fairbanks, Alaska, for cold-weather testing.

Brasilia has ordered 28 examples of medium-lift transport in total. Portugal ordered five KC-390s in 2019. Hungary signed a deal for two KC-390s last November.