Korea Gives Green Light' for SM-3 Anti-Ballistic Missiles

Korea Gives Green Light' for SM-3 Anti-Ballistic Missiles

The Republic of Korea (ROK) approved the program to acquire SM-3 anti-ballistic missiles for the ROK Navy's KDX-III Batch-II destroyers. A total of $584 million will be allocated to the SM-3 procurement program from 2025 to 2030, while, according to Naval News, the weapon is also expected to be completed on the older KDX-III Batch-I destroyers. The American Raytheon produces the SM-3. It is intended to intercept ballistic missiles, and the Block IB version is said to have a maximum range of 700 kilometres. An improved version – Block IIA – is being developed by Raytheon and Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, with a maximum claimed range of 2,500 km.