MdCN Cruise Missiles Perform Synchronised Strike

MdCN Cruise Missiles Perform Synchronised Strike

Two MdCN land attack cruise missiles fired from a French Navy frigate and a submarine hit the same target synchronously. In its release regarding the firing test, the French Navy stated that the Aquitaine frigate (FREMM) and a Suffren-class nuclear attack submarine fired two cruise missiles at the same target for a simultaneous hit. The target was located in a DGA test centre in Bordeaux. Two or more missiles hitting simultaneously can increase the lethality of strikes against hardened targets that can withstand a single hit, such as bunkers and well-protected aircraft hangars. This capability has likely been achieved through modifications to the missile's flight control software. MdCN is an offshoot of the SCALP cruise missile with significant design alterations, such as changed geometry and a larger body to work as a long-range land attack cruise missile. The missile can be launched from Sylver A70 vertical launch cells and 533 mm torpedo tubes of submarines. The guidance package includes GPS, INS, and TERCOM, with an electro-optical seeker for terminal guidance. In summary, the missile can be described as analogous to the American Tomahawk cruise missile.