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Milrem Robotics Combines THeMIS UGV with HITROLE

Milrem Robotics Combines THeMIS UGV with HITROLE

Milrem Robotics presents a new system that combines Milrem Robotics’ intelligent THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) and Leonardo’s land turret HITROLE Light Remote Weapon Station (RWS). 

The THeMIS Combat UGV provides direct fire support for tactical units. The HITROLE Light RWS, which may fire a 7.62 mm or a 12.7 mm Machine Gun or a 40 mm Automatic Grenade Launcher, is also assisted by AI functions for target acquisition, recognition prioritisation and tracking. The station works in the man-in-the-loop principle in the final phase. The UGV may perform multi-role tasks like surveillance, patrolling, border security, counter-sniper and asymmetric missions.