NATO OSG under Greek led exercises with the Israeli navy

NATO OSG under Greek led exercises with the Israeli navy

Between November 10 and 14, 2021, NATO's Operation Sea Guardian (OSG), a current task force commanded by the Greek navy, visited Haifa and practised with the Israeli navy.During their targeted patrols in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Hellenic Navy frigate HS Spetsai and the Bulgarian Navy frigate Drazki harboured in Haifa

The NATO task force organised and completed two OSG passage exercises (PASSEX) of increasing complexity with the Israeli navy before and after the port visit to Haifa. Several manoeuvres and procedures related to interoperability in maritime security operations were practised at sea during these drills.

NATO OSG under Greek led exercises with the Israeli navy

During the second iteration, a scenario involving simulated life-threatening events involving personnel on board NATO ships resulted in an immediate medical evacuation to a nearby hospital. This series allowed for the provision of marine, medical care in the Mediterranean Sea"s eastern section.

"These drills provided an excellent chance to hone our interoperability abilities." "We have trained on a variety of topics, including communications in support of Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA), helicopter operations, fleet manoeuvring, and medical assistance at sea," stated NATO task group commander Captain Panagiotis Karavas. "Through these two drills, NATO and Israeli navies were able to expand our collaboration further to ensure maritime security in the Eastern Mediterranean."

NATO OSG under Greek led exercises with the Israeli navy