New Record in Export: All-Time the Highest July Export

New Record in Export: All-Time the Highest July Export

Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) announced the export figures for July. Turkiye closed the month of July with a new record. According to the announced data, the Turkish exporter exported $18.6 billion in July, an increase of 13.4 per cent compared to the same month last year. With this figure, all-time the highest July export figure was reached. In July, 17 sectors increased their exports compared to the previous year's. The chemical sector was at the top with 2.9 billion dollars. TIM has also announced that the Turkish defence and aerospace sector realised exports worth 325.8 million USD in total in July 2022.

The Turkish defence and aerospace industry has an export target of US$ 4 billion planned for 2022. Thus, the sector's total exports in the first seven months of 2022 reached 2.3 billion USD.The export of 325 million dollars, realised by the sector in July 2022 with an increase of 41% compared to the same period of the previous year, is a record for July of all times.TİM has stopped disclosing export countries. For this reason, it is not possible to identify the major countries in exports. On the other hand, according to sector data, the top seven companies that stand out in exports are as follows;BAYKARTUSAŞTEIRAM FOREIGN TRADEALP AVIATIONROKETSANPRATT&WHITNEY THY TEK.