Pakistan Inducts New Air Defence System HQ-9

Pakistan Inducts New Air Defence System HQ-9

According to a statement issued by Pakistan's armed forces' media wing, China's new air defence system was commissioned into operation at the Army Air Defence Centre in Karachi on October 14.

General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Pakistan"s Chief of Army Staff, attended the HQ-9/P high to medium air defence system commissioning event (HIMAD). Lieutenant General Hamood uz Zaman, Commander Army Air Defence Command, briefed the army chief on the upgraded air defence system.

Pakistan Inducts New Air Defence System HQ-9

Senior Chinese authorities also attended the commissioning event. "The strategic relationship and defence coordination between Pakistan and China are sources of stability in the region," Pakistan"s army commander stated.

The HQ-9/P is an HQ-9 version. At ranges of more than 100 kilometres, the HQ-9/P can intercept threats such as air-to-ground missiles, helicopters, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), guided bombs, cruise and ballistic missiles, and beyond visual range weaponry. It also has sophisticated electrical equipment and software for greater precision.

Pakistan Inducts New Air Defence System HQ-9

In addition to Pakistan, HQ-9 is in service in China, Algeria, Morocco, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Turkey initially also chose the system for its long-range air and missile-defence program (T-LORAMIDS) in 2013. The system was never installed as US-Led NATO strongly opposed Turkey.