Poland to Manufacture Israeli-Designed Spike ATM

Poland to Manufacture Israeli-Designed Spike ATM

The Polish Ministry of Defence has confirmed a third order for long-range Spike missiles from Rafael, an Israeli company. 
Mesko, Rafael's long-term industrial partner, will oversee local component production and final assembly. Although the exact number of missiles has not been disclosed, the contract is valued at close to $100 million, according to an official statement from the Israeli supplier.

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Over the past two decades, Poland has procured approximately 4,000 Spike missiles, and the first order was placed for 264 long-range launchers and 2,675 missiles in 2003, followed by another in 2015 for 1,000 units. 
Mesko and Rafael have been collaborating for the Polish market since 2003.
This cooperation has resulted in the sale of 100 per cent manufactured missiles in Poland, having already produced more than 3,000 units in Polish territory. In 2020, this industrial alliance was reaffirmed by signing an agreement to co-production short-range Spike missiles under the Polish national Pustelnik program.