Roketsan presents its LAÇİN guidance kit

Roketsan presents its LAÇİN guidance kit

Roketsan has added a new guidance kit to its portfolio to convert the “dumb” bomb to the “smart” one. The kit, called LAÇİN, was announced first time in December 2020 but was not seen. Roketsan brought the new product to IDEF. 

The LAÇİN has an IIR/TV guided seeker head (which uses a newer CCD image sensor technology instead of a CMOS one). The kit is also not affected by electronic warfare GPS jamming.The LAÇİN kit guides the MK-82 bomb, which allows designating a target between 6,500 to 40,000 feet. The altitude provides the advantage of avoiding short and medium-range air defence systems deployed on the surface. The kit-mounted MK-82 weighs 262kg.Roketsan presents its LAÇİN guidance kitL-POD, which was developed together with LAÇİN, ensures that the image from the IIR / TV seeker head is transferred to the cockpit over the data link. Simultaneously, the commands produced by the pilot are transmitted to the LAÇİN mounted ammunition.In this way, both the bomb can hit moving targets, and the pilot can cancel the current target and designate a new one. The range of the RF link, which provides image transmission, is 150 km.Roketsan presents its LAÇİN guidance kitThe range of the bomb with the guidance kit has a maximum range of 28 kilometres, but it can be increased. An example of this was seen in Israel’s SPICE 250 guided munitions. While the ammunition reaches a range of 100km, it also has an IIR/TV seeker head and bidirectional data link.