Romania Secures Norwegian Second-Hand F-16s

Romania Secures Norwegian Second-Hand F-16s

The Norwegian Forsvarsmateriell (Defence Materiel Agency /NDMA) has signed a contract with Romania to sell 32 Norwegian F-16 aircraft. The first delivery to Romania is planned for late 2023, with the second in 2024. The contract has a total value of € 388 million.

The final agreement was signed on November 4th. The deal includes 32 jets, spare parts, support equipment, and maintenance and technical training services. Under the contract, all aircraft will undergo necessary maintenance and modification to M6.5.2 Romanian configuration with US support before delivery, currently scheduled for 2023-24. The Norwegian industry will conduct the work and provide training and other logistical services to support the long-term availability of the aircraft.

Romania Secures Norwegian Second-Hand F-16s

In 2019 the Norwegian Ministry of Defence tasked the NDMA with the sale and disposal of the Norwegian F-16 fleet after it retires from Air Force (Luftforsvaret/RNoAF)service in a way most beneficial to the Norwegian state. The NDMA has previously signed a contract with Draken International to sell up to 12 F-16s, which are to be used under a training services agreement with the US Air Force.

The Romanian Air Force (RoAF) procured 17 F-16 A/B second-hand fighters from Portugal between 2016 and 2021.