Russia Reportedly Intercepts SCALP-EG Cruise Missile

Russia Reportedly Intercepts SCALP-EG Cruise Missile

Russia has reportedly intercepted a French-made SCALP-EG air-launched cruise missile often used by Ukrainian Su-24 interdictors. Footage was shared on Russian Telegram channel MLNP showing a mid-air explosion. The manner of explosion matches that of a shaped charge warhead. SCALP-EG uses the BROACH warhead, which includes a penetrator, to strike hardened targets effectively. Additionally, an image of the wreckage showing the serials related to MBDA was shared. Ukraine is employing SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow cruise missiles from its modified Su-24 interdictor aircraft to strike critical assets of Russian forces, such as command facilities and ports. Due to the low RCS of the missiles, the Russian air defence systems have been having a hard time with the interception. One notable use of the missiles was in the attack on the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s HQ at Sevastopol. The SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow is a British/French-built, long-range, air-launched, precision-guided cruise missile designed to strike high-value targets. The missile has a range of nearly 200 miles (300km) and is equipped with a BROACH warhead capable of penetrating hardened structures before detonating, thus causing significant damage.