Russia Unveils Torpedo Capable of Destroying Destroyers

Russia Unveils Torpedo Capable of Destroying Destroyers

Russia has developed the "Physicist" torpedo, which can sink destroyers. According to Zvezda publication, a Russian defence ministry-owned news outlet, the torpedo, which weighs more than 300kg, detonates very close to the ship without hitting it.

"This method inflicts much more damage," said Valery Kulbitsky, the torpedo"s chief designer, according to the report. "When it enters the magnetic field of a ship or boat, an electromagnetic fuse is triggered." It only works at a certain distance, so it does not always hit the body. The combat version of the torpedo contains more than 300kg of Russia"s most modern explosives. A single or two torpedo hits are enough to destroy a destroyer-class ship.

Russia Unveils Torpedo Capable of Destroying Destroyers