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Russia Wants to Build a New Aircraft Carrier

Russia Wants to Build a New Aircraft Carrier

The revelation was made in an interview with the Russian Ministry of Defence’s official newspaper, Krasnaya Zvezda, where Admiral Nikolay Anatolyevich Yevmenov emphasized the strategic importance of such a measure to reinforce the country’s maritime strength. He added that the new aircraft carrier will increase the efficiency of solving various operational tasks.

Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Yevmenov.jpg

“The advisability of creating a future naval aircraft transport complex has been addressed. Their involvement will increase the effectiveness of various operational tasks,” said Admiral Yevmenov.

In April 2023, Izvestia, citing Russian Defense Ministry sources, reported that Russia’s only aircraft carrier, the heavy aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which has been under repair since 2017, would be armed with the latest missile and artillery complexes—Pantsir-M anti-aircraft gun to replace older systems.

Russia currently has only one aircraft carrier, which is not expected to return to operation. Admiral Kuznetsov’s aircraft carrier continues to undergo repairs, with no plans to return to operational service.

The ship will receive a completely new filling – a deck with a springboard, a new power plant, cable routes, a take-off and landing control system for aircraft on the deck, and a navigation system. After completion of repair and modernization, Admiral Kuznetsov will serve for another 20 years. The Kuznetsov was launched from the Black Sea Shipyard in 1982.

According to the Commander-in-Chief, the development of naval strike and fighter aviation is ensured by the re-equipment of modern aviation complexes of the “4++” generation and the arrival of helicopters Ka-52K naval attack aircraft, as well as for the creation of promising naval fighter aviation systems.