Taiwanese Navy Received First Indigenous LPD

Taiwanese Navy Received First Indigenous LPD

China Shipbuilding Corporation (CSBC) constructed the vesssle and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen attended the delivery ceremony.

The delivery ceremony of the Yu Shan was held this morning at the Kaohsiung Port of Taiwan International Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Admiral Mei Jiashu, Commander of the Navy, and Xu Yanting, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the ceremony along with President Tsai. 

President Tsai delivered a speech at the ceremony and said that against China's military threats, the only way to reach peace is by strengthening self-defence capabilities. He underlined they would not change the national defence independence and equipping the national army with the best equipment policy.

The Yu Shan can supply materials and personnel to the outlying islands in peacetime. She can also take on disaster relief and emergency medical work. In wartime, she will perform amphibious reinforcements.

The ship was launched in April 2021. The Navy stated that the Yu Shan has gone through the stages of equipment inspection and testing, personnel training, sea trials and project preparation.

Taiwanese Navy Received First Indigenous LPD


The Yu Shan ship is equipped with a 76mm naval gun and two Phalanx CIWS. The LPD has a total length of 153 meters, an overall beam of 23 meters, and a hull draught of 6 meters. It is reported that the Yu Shan ship is equipped with four 8-unit "Haijian II" anti-aircraft missiles, a total of 32 anti-aircraft missiles. She can accommodate AAV-7 amphibious assault vehicles, landing craft, Hummer vehicles and 673 soldiers.

Taiwanese Navy Received First Indigenous LPD