Tb2 is a Concern for Greek Media

Tb2 is a Concern for Greek Media


Albanian Interior Minister Bledar Cuci visited the Baykar UAV facility. The visit became public when Baykar Makina thanked the minister for his visit. However, there was no declaration of the TB2 acquisition.

The Greek daily Nemesis also wrote about the visit. The headline was, “Tiran plays with fire.”

Tb2 is a Concern for Greek Media

Albania and Greece are neighbouring countries. Modern diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in 1971 and today are regarded as positive. However, despite the two peoples sharing common traditions, culture, history, and inter-ethnic relations, diplomatic tensions relating to the Greek communities in Albania and Albanian communities in Greece continue to play a role in how countries and people view one another. Current issues in diplomatic ties of the two NATO states include the abolition of the status of war that remains in effect between Greece and Albania due to the Greek-Italian war in 1940 and the human right issues the Greek minority faces in Albania.