TCG Güngör Durmuş (A-574) Waits Next Week for Delivery

TCG Güngör Durmuş (A-574) Waits Next Week for Delivery

TCG Yzb. Güngör Durmuş (A-574) auxiliary ship is expected to enter the Turkish Navy next week. TurDef learned that the vessel might be delivered on Thursday or Friday.

STM authority Enver Küçükerman, the leader of naval systems, had explained at the 10th Naval Systems Seminar that the vessel was ready to be commissioned in 2021.TurDef reported earlier this summer that both the TCG Ufuk and the Logistic Support Vessel are ready for delivery.

TCG Güngör Durmuş (A-574) Waits Next Week for Delivery

A contract was signed between the Defence Industry Undersecretariat and the Shipyard in November 2014. Selah Shipyard had 26 months for planning and then had 16 months to deliver the first ship (TCG Yzb. Güngör Durmuş /A-574)and 26 months to complete the project by delivering TCG Ütgm. Arif Ekmekçi A-575). Both ships were launched. However, Selah went bankrupt in 2019 before delivering them to the navy.TCG Güngör Durmuş (A-574) Waits Next Week for DeliveryThe ships have a length of 106.51 meters and a width of 16.80 meters. LDGs have 82 crews. The ships have an electro-hydraulic service crane with a lifting capacity of 18 tons on the deck. They are also equipped with 2 x 12.7 mm ASELSAN STAMP systems.In addition to one vehicle for personnel transfer, one life-saving boat and one ATAK boat are stationed on the ship.