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TEI Showcases Prodıcts at IDEAS 2022

TEI Showcases Prodıcts at IDEAS 2022
IDEAS 2022 international defence exhibition and seminar has started in Karachi, Pakistan. The interest of Turkish companies is high in the event. Turkish aviation engine manufacturer TEI is also showcasing indigenous solutions.

TEI Showcases Prodıcts at IDEAS 2022TEI is exhibiting the TS-1400 turboshaft engine, PD-170 diesel unmanned aerial vehicle engine, PG-50 two-stroke, TJ-90 and TJ-60 turbojet engines as well. The company is also displaying components and subcomponents to the visitors. The alternator and central power unit are among exhibited systems.TEI Showcases Prodıcts at IDEAS 2022TEI will also look for export opportunities in the region. The company will hold many bilateral meetings, too.