Thailand Plans Acquiring 12 New Fighter Jets

Thailand Plans Acquiring 12 New Fighter Jets

The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) will present the Thai government with a proposal to purchase 12 fighter jets to replace the ageing F16 jets. The Royal Thai Air Force will present a white paper next month outlining its strategies for the next ten years and explaining why it needs to procure 12 new fighter jets, the RTAF Commander-in-Chief ACM Phanpakdee Pattanakul said Tuesday.

Pattanakul stated that the white paper will lay out the RTAF’s strategies for development and modernisation over the next decade and it would be made public on February 29.

The procurement of a new fighter jet fleet will begin in fiscal 2025, and will consist of either F-16 aircraft from the Lockheed Martin or Gripen jets from Saab AB.