The Dutch Air Force will get 14 New H225M Caracals

The Dutch Air Force will get 14 New H225M Caracals

The magazine states that the contract value ranges from 1.5 – 2 billion euros for 14 units of H225M Caracal which will be used by the Dutch Special Forces. The H225M Caracal is a long-range tactical transport helicopter made by Airbus Helicopter, the successor to the Puma and Cougar helicopter families. Currently they are still relying on the AS532U2 Cougar acquired since 1996. 

AS532U2 Cougar TurDef.jpg

Caracals have been part of the 300 Squadron Wildcat. Polish pilots have established the 300 Squadron in World War II. The squadron was not officially established until October 1962. Due to further budget cuts, the Dutch Air Force decided to decommission 300 Squadron in 2011. Starting in 2011, eight AS532U2 Cougars were put into service again. This number was later increased by four more helicopters bringing the total number to twelve. The 300 Squadron Wildcat will reportedly continue to operate the AS532U2 Cougar until at least 2030.

The new H225M Caracal helicopter is expected to arrive a few years before the AS532U2 Cougar officially retires between 2030 – 2035.