The Netherlands Deploys F-35 to Poland

The Netherlands Deploys F-35 to Poland

The Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) published information about the new deployment. According to official information, RNLAF will deploy F-35 Lightning II jets to Poland for NATO Enhanced Air Policing Mission.

The country is planning to send eight F-35 Lightning II for the task in the northeast. Platforms will shift to Malbork, Poland, during February and March 2023. Four platforms will conduct continuous flights, and the other four are planned as spare aircraft because of the low combat readiness of the F-35. The Netherlands Air Force is also planning training sorties with other allied aircraft to increase the experience level.

NATO conducts air policing tasks to protect the flanks of the alliance. Flights aim to increase deterrence and conduct defence missions in case of aggression. The Netherlands also completed a two-month deployment at Bulgaria in May, 2022.