The Spanish Navy Replaces Harpoons with NSM

The Spanish Navy Replaces Harpoons with NSM

The Spanish Navy decided to replace the Harpoon missiles, which are currently out of service, with the Naval Strike Missile (NSM). These missiles will complement the Spanish Navy's Álvaro de Bazán (F-100 and F-110) class air defence frigates.

The NSM is an anti-ship and land attack missile developed by the Norwegian company Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KDA). It uses composite materials to achieve stealth capabilities, and it weighs over 400 kg and ranges over 185 km (100 nautical miles). The NSM can fly over, and around the land, gliding in sea skim mode and then performing random manoeuvres in the terminal phase, making it more difficult to stop enemy countermeasures.

The Spanish Navy Replaces Harpoons with NSM

The Álvaro de Bazán class frigates are equipped with the Aegis combat system that is in service with the Spanish Navy.

The Spanish Navy Replaces Harpoons with NSM