The U.S. Trains F-35 Pilots on Maintenance

The U.S. Trains F-35 Pilots on Maintenance

The U.S. will train its F-35 fighter pilots on basic level aircraft maintenance to enhance the deployability of the fighters. Opex360 reports that this addition to the training is part of the Agile Combat Employment (ACE) concept. ACE aims to allow quicker deployments by introducing new methods to the USAF. The training for F-35A pilots will allow for better maintenance of the demanding fighters in technical or logistical conditions harsher than the standard. Additionally, allied forces will also have access to maintenance for quicker procedures. This idea was tested with the Norwegian Air Force mechanics on F-35A. Other aircraft have been tested with different ideas within the scope of the ACE concept in the past few months. One such test involved flying two KC-46A tankers for 40+ hours over the Pacific Ocean, and another involved the same aircraft, reducing the crew to two members.