Turkish delegation visits UK for TF-X

Turkish delegation visits UK for TF-X
The planned contacts for the United Kingdom for Turkiye's national combat aircraft TF-X have begun. President of Defence Industries Professor İsmail Demir is visiting the United Kingdom as the head of the delegation. The General Manager of Kale, Arge Cüneyt Kenger, and the General Manager of Turkish Aerospace, Professor Temel Kotil, were spotted on social media.

Turkish delegation visits UK for TF-XTurDef had recently written that Professor Demir would visit the UK and held contacts for TF-X, but the date was not precise. The meetings were expected for BAE Systems, which provides technical support to TUSAŞ.Turkish delegation visits UK for TF-XTurkiye is trying to bring together Kale-Pratt Whitney, TR Motor, TEI and Rolls-Royce for the TF-X engine. Turkiye aims to produce the fifth generation engine of the TF-X in a single program. On the other hand, the UK"s Tempest program is also in its early stages. In this subject too, there are collaborations with Sweden and Italy, as well as the United Kingdom. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson went to India two weeks ago and urged that country to work at the core of the Tempest engine. Turkiye wants to take part in this project as well.Turkish delegation visits UK for TF-XTurDef Exclusive News can be republished with reference to Turdef.