Meteksan Provides Network Centric Border Control

Meteksan Provides Network Centric Border Control

Retinar radar, developed by Turkish engineering firm Meteksan for critical facility protection and border security, takes the work in this field to a new dimension. The company showcased Retinar PTR-X during the Military Radar and Border Security (MRBS) Summit.

Meteksan's Retinar product is in the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces and has been exported to some European and Asian countries. The Retinar PTR-X is a medium-range Perimeter Surveillance Radar that can detect and identify humans from a range of 5 km and vehicles depending on their size from a range of 10 km. The product detects infiltration and reports to the guard.

The firm entered into a partnership with UNIDEF. The weapon of the corporation was hidden in the container, and Retinar became interoperable. As a result, containers may now be placed in faraway locations to guard the perimeter and be controlled remotely. Collecting information from the Retinar and operating weapons remotely improves zone security efficiency. This idea will centralize command and control while lowering costs.