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Update on ASELSAN GÜRZ Air Defence System’s Design

Update on ASELSAN GÜRZ Air Defence System’s Design

More detailed information about GÜRZ’s loadout was revealed in a video on the GÜRZ booth. Shots from the video taken by Defence Turkey show that there will be two options for short-range air defence missiles. GÖKSUR (Surface-launched BOZDOĞAN missile) or HİSAR (Likely HİSAR-A+ judging from the size) missiles will consist of the upper layer.

Defence Turkey also reports that CLOS-type missiles will be used as the middle layer instead of MANPADS-type missiles. While CLOS guidance requires illumination of the target till the interception, it is significantly cheaper than onboard guidance types. This is most likely intended to engage UAVs as a low-cost alternative.


Additional systems include a laser weapon and what appears to be a jammer against small UAVs. The laser weapon has been identified as the new GÖKBERK laser weapon of ASELSAN, also unveiled in IDEF’23.

This way, GÜRZ’s finalised version will combine various hard-kill and soft-kill effectors against a wide range of low-altitude threats, from mini-UAVs to low-flying aircraft.