VH-92A Presidential Helicopter Has Reached IOC

VH-92A Presidential Helicopter Has Reached IOC
The helicopter reached the IOC officially on 28 December 2021, but the results are only announced now. The IOC VH-92A was reported in the Navy Department’s budget spotlight for the fiscal year 2023 and published this mid-April. Marine One is flown by Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1). HMX-1 operates presidential helicopters, the VH-3D Sea King and VH-60N Black Hawk. The fiscal 2023 budget proposal funds the VH-92A program at 45.6 billion USD.VH-92A Presidential Helicopter Has Reached IOCWide Band Line of Sight (WBLOS) communication capabilities, cockpit upgrades, government equipment interoperability and software upgrades are available on the helicopter. The planned VH-92A fleet includes 21 operational helicopters and two test aircraft. The Standard Operational Capability (SOC) of the VH-92A is scheduled to be achieved in the second quarter of fiscal 2023. In 2014, the Department of the Navy selected Sikorsky to develop the VH-92A to replace the ageing 11 VH-3D and 8 VH-60N helicopters. The VH-3Ds were placed in service in 1974, and the VH-60s entered service in the 1980s.