Warfare Effectiveness Analysis Model GEMED Passed Tests

Warfare Effectiveness Analysis Model GEMED Passed Tests

The GEMED project acceptance tests, developed by STM and partner institutions within the scope of the TÜBİTAK SAVTAG 1007 program over more than five years, have been completed. Thanks to the program, operations will be performed first in the computer environment and then in the field.

STM General Manager Özgür Güleryüz pointed out that STM has significant experience in simulation and decision support solutions and said:

“While empowering our Navy with modern and national platforms, we are also developing software to add intelligence to our platforms and headquarters. With GEMED, which we developed as a simulation-based decision support solution, the combat effectiveness of our Naval Forces’ combat platforms will be evaluated and will provide scientific decision support to our force in tactical development, design and procurement decisions. Within the scope of the GEMED Project, we developed models of nearly 100 combat elements and subsystems. Thanks to GEMED’s platform, sensor, weapon and countermeasure models, effectiveness analyses can be carried out for surface, underwater and air operations. Thus, the analysis of combat scenarios can be repeated many times in the simulation environment before the field. Thanks to GEMED, our Naval Forces will maximize its combat readiness level.”

More than 40 mission applications for sea, air and underwater operations were conducted in the simulation environment. The user can assign different tasks to relevant platform models and create a task plan through conditional transitions between tasks.