USA News

Greece to acquire American “precision strike” missile
Weapon / Missile

Greece to acquire American “precision strike” missile

Kathimerini reported that the Greek Army is considering purchasing the Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) to enhance the capabilities of its rocket artillery.

G7 to Use Russian Assets to Reimburse Ukraine’s Debts
Investment Defence Politics

G7 to Use Russian Assets to Reimburse Ukraine’s Debts

The Group of 7 countries announced they would use $ 50 billion of frozen Russian assets abroad as a debt loan to Ukraine.

Pratt & Whitney Partners with Patria for F135 Turbofans
Engine and Transmission

Pratt & Whitney Partners with Patria for F135 Turbofans

Finnish Patria Group has partnered with Pratt & Whitney to produce F-35 fighters’ F135 turbofan engines in Finland.

Norway to Extend its Air-to-Air Range: AIM-120C-8
Weapon / Missile

Norway to Extend its Air-to-Air Range: AIM-120C-8

The State Department has approved a possible FMS to Norway of AIM-120C-8 Air-to-Air Missiles and related equipment for an estimated cost of $1.94 billion.

Chinese Spacecraft Drops Unidentified Object Into Space

Chinese Spacecraft Drops Unidentified Object Into Space

The United States claims that a Chinese spacecraft in orbit has dropped a secret object into space. China remains silent.

Skunk Works Tests AI For Interception Scenarios
Air Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

Skunk Works Tests AI For Interception Scenarios

Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works has tested an AI that can perform air-to-air interception missions onboard an Aero L-29 jet test aircraft.

The U.S. Approves AIM-120C-8 AMRAAM Sale to Denmark
Weapon / Missile

The U.S. Approves AIM-120C-8 AMRAAM Sale to Denmark

The U.S. State Department has approved the sale of 84 AIM-120C-8 AMRAAM beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles to Denmark.

U.S. is Close to Announce F-16 Cooperation with Turkiye
Air Bilateral Relations Modernisation

U.S. is Close to Announce F-16 Cooperation with Turkiye

The U.S. is about to announce the results of negotiations with Turkiye regarding the new F-16 Acquisition and Modernisation programme.

U.S. Weapons Lose Effectiveness Against Russian Jamming
E/W Ammunition

U.S. Weapons Lose Effectiveness Against Russian Jamming

The accuracy of the M-982 Excalibur guided artillery has decreased by 90 per cent in Ukraine due to Russian Electronic Warfare systems that jam ammunition.

Sale of 36 UH-60M Black Hawk for $ 2 Billion 855 Million

Sale of 36 UH-60M Black Hawk for $ 2 Billion 855 Million

The U.S. approved 36 UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter sales to Sweden, Brazil, and Austria with various configurations valued at $ 2 billion 855 million.

GD-OTS Announces REPKON for Artillery Projectile Production
Weapon / Missile Investment

GD-OTS Announces REPKON for Artillery Projectile Production

General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems (GD-OTS) announced the Turkish REPKON for artillery projectile metal production facility in Mesquite, Texas.

Poland Acquires AGM-158 JASSM-ER Missiles
Weapon / Missile

Poland Acquires AGM-158 JASSM-ER Missiles

Poland has announced that it will procure AGM-158 JASSM-ER missiles from the U.S. The commission costs $677 million.

Turkiye to Receive First F-16 Viper in mid-2027 Earliest
Air Modernisation

Turkiye to Receive First F-16 Viper in mid-2027 Earliest

Turkish Air Force will receive the first F-16 Viper in mid-2027, provided the contract is signed immediately.

Kosmos 2576: U.S. Suspects Russian ‘Inspector Satellite’

Kosmos 2576: U.S. Suspects Russian ‘Inspector Satellite’

U.S. officials are concerned about Russia’s Kosmos 2576 being an Inspector Satellite and having anti-satellite capabilities.