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AbramsX Unveiled

AbramsX Unveiled
General Dynamics unveiled its new main battle tank prototype at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Fair. Abrams' new design has a far more different appearance than his Cold-War era ancestor.

The weight of the tank is reduced compared to its predecessor. This brings improved mobility and better off-road capability as well as logistical advantage. The hybrid power pack also provide enhanced silent watch and mobility. The system is also suitable for climate and electrification strategies of the U.S. Army.

The new Abrams concept has a similar understanding to the German KF51 main battle tank. A vehicle is equipped with an optionally-manned turret. There is a compartment for the three-man crew in the hull. The new main battle tank is highly supported with artificial intelligence, manned-unmanned teaming and improved data procession capability. This brings better situational awareness to the crew and infantry personnel around the tank.

AbramsX Unveiled

The new tank design comes with a new armour package, which is lightweight and provides better protection and survivability against modern threats. The tank is equipped with an XM360 120 mm smoothbore gun. The weapon is claimed to have the same length as the M256 gun but has a lighter barrel. The new weapon provides modern ammunition firing capability and better armour penetration also.

AbramsX Unveiled

One of the most distinctive features of AbramsX is its improved fuel efficiency. General Dynamics claimed that the tank consumes 50% less fuel than its predecessor. This step, of course, intends to ease the pressure of support elements of the U.S. Army. It is known that the M1 family of tanks is a logistical nightmare from mobility to maintenance and repair works. Better fuel economy means fewer tankers are required in the field, and better infrastructure will bring higher combat readiness to the tank units.