Baykar Begins Serial Production of Subsonic KIZILELMA

Baykar Begins Serial Production of Subsonic KIZILELMA

Baykar Chairman of the Board of Directors Selçuk Bayraktar made statements at the Rocket Competition organized by Roketsan at the HİSAR Test Centre as part of TEKNOFEST.

Stating that the design studies for the supersonic version of KIZILELMA are continuing, Selçuk Bayraktar said, “We are currently preparing the first variant, the subsonic variant, which we call KIZILELMA-A.”

Azerbaijan KIZILELMA UAV TurDef.jpg

Talking about using artificial intelligence in unmanned aerial vehicles, Selçuk Bayraktar said, “We are conducting research on our platforms, which we call advanced algorithms to increase both situational awareness and flight safety, and what we now call artificial intelligence algorithms. However, these studies are not in a way that will completely replace people, especially on armed platforms. More work is being done on algorithms that will increase flight safety and at the same time enable the aircraft to see and understand its environment.”