Camcopter S-100 to Detect Submarines

Camcopter S-100 to Detect Submarines

Thales and Schiebel companies joint-tested the Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) capability of the Camcopter-100 rotary-wing UAV. An unmanned helicopter successfully transmitted sonobuoy data to the control centre during the trials. Tests were carried out during NATO REPMUS 2022 Exercise at Tróia, Portugal. The Thales Bluetracker system completed data transmission. The information had also been processed on board by a frigate and airborne units. NATO determined the mission scenario.

Camcopter S-100 to Detect Submarines

Camcopter S-100 to Detect Submarines

The new experience offers new advantages to the navies with limited human resources. Unmanned aerial systems provide fast, agile, durable and flexible mission planning capability with high efficiency for anti-submarine warfare requirements. Sonobuoy relay capability will also reduce the task load of shipboard rotary wing elements.

Camcopter S-100 to Detect Submarines

Turkiye conducts such with Turkish Aerospace UAV Aksungur,