Indonesia bought 12 ANKA drones worth US$300 million

Indonesia bought 12 ANKA drones worth US$300 million

The agreement was signed on 2 February 2023 at the Office of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence, Jakarta, Indonesia. The 12 UAVs will be delivered as three ground control systems, six UAVs for the Air Force, three UAVs for the Indonesian Army, and three UAVs for the Indonesian Navy. The project also includes an offset and technology transfer (ToT) programme for Industry and Indonesian Universities as beneficiaries, followed by local content for final assembly and MRO.

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In fact, it was revealed that this news was published on TUSAŞ's website in Indonesia on 14 February but did not attract attention under that day's conditions. As it will be remembered, due to the earthquake on 6 February 2023, all country resources, including defence, were focused on the earthquake zone. On this date, C-130 transport aircraft from Indonesia provided logistical support in Turkiye for a month. The UAVs are expected to be delivered within the next 32 months.
Through PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), Indonesia will assemble six Anka drone units purchased from Turkiye. 
First, six Anka units will be made in Turkiye and shipped to Indonesia. Meanwhile, the second six Anka units will be assembled in Indonesia with PTDI through a technology transfer programme. 
TUSAŞ CEO Temel Kotil said at IDEF that the manufacture of six Anka units for Indonesia is still being carried out at the TUSAŞ hangar in Ankara.
.Apart from Indonesia, Algeria ordered ten, and Chad ordered two Anka units