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MKE Delivers first 76/62-millimetre Naval Cannon for OPV

MKE Delivers first 76/62-millimetre Naval Cannon for OPV

According to the information provided by Anadolu Agency, the first delivery of the 76/62-millimetre naval cannon, developed and produced by Makine ve Kimya Endüstrisi (MKE) Inc. with domestic resources, was made under contract.
The naval cannon prototype was integrated into the TCG BEYKOZ corvette for port and sea tests. The cannon is now prepared for duty. Following the tests, MKE Inc. received orders and delivered the first naval cannon to the Offshore Patrol Ship (OPV).
This cannon will be installed on one of the Akhisar and Koçhisar ships developed within the scope of the Offshore Patrol Ship Project. MKE Inc. signed a contract with the Defence Industry Agency (SSB) for the second ship of the Offshore Patrol Ship Project and the Naval Cannon that will be used in MİLGEM 6th, 7th and 8th ships. These three ships are I-class frigates. 

MKE 76 millimetre TurDef.jpg

The company is negotiating to export the naval cannon.
The 76/62-millimetre naval cannon is used in air defence warfare, surface warfare and land bombardment missions. The system has 80 rounds per minute fire rate with 20 kilometres range.
With the success and experience gained in the 76-millimetre gun, coordinated development work was started with the Naval Forces Command and the General Directorate of Shipyards of the Ministry of National Defense for producing the 127-millimetre Naval Gun by MKE AŞ.