Pakistan displays the JF-17 that downed India’s MiG-21 in 2019

Pakistan displays the JF-17 that downed India’s MiG-21 in 2019

Two IAF fighter jets were downed with air-to-air missiles. One fighter landed in Pakistan’s territory. There was little information available about Pakistan’s fighter that took place at the duel. It is known that the second generation (Block 2) of the JF-17 series, which the PAF adopted in 2015, was involved in the dogfight.

Pakistan displays the JF-17 that downed India’s MiG-21 in 2019

IAF claimed that Pakistan fired an AIM-120 AMRAAM to down the Indian fighter, but Pakistan had proved wrong.

The JF-17 was displayed along with the photos and plays videos regarding the progress of the development of the JF-17C or Block 3 that the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) carries out.

The JF-17C fighter is equipped with the Chinese KLJ-7A airborne active phased array fire control radar. The JF-17C enhanced capabilities, such as Missile Approach Warning Systems (MAWS), Wide Angle Smart HUD, and integrated EW devices. The JF-17C may also fire China’s new generation air-to-air missiles, PL-15E and PL-10E.

Pakistan displays the JF-17 that downed India’s MiG-21 in 2019

The JF-17 family was made by PAC, located in Kamra, in collaboration with China’s Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) aircraft factory.