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Russia introduces BMR-3M Vepr Mine Ssweepers in Donbas

Russia introduces BMR-3M Vepr Mine Ssweepers in Donbas

The Russian military started to use the latest BMR-3M Vepr version armoured mine clearance combat vehicle In Donbas to clear minefields that the Ukrainian army had set.

The BMR-3M Vepr is a 50-ton class armoured vehicle intended to clear minefields in support of heavily armoured units. The vehicle is fitted with Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) and anti-mine armoured bottom protection. The BMR-3M uses a T-90 tank chassis. The Vepr is produced at Uralvagonzavod.

The Vepr is equipped with a trawler against pressure mines and mines with remote detonator detonators and a Radiofrequency Interferometer (RFI) to disable mines with radio proximity fuses. The width of the mine strip is four meters long.

The Vepr gained its Initial Operational Capability (IOC) in July 2016.