TCG Preveze set to Launch Akya Torpedo in Antalya

TCG Preveze set to Launch Akya Torpedo in Antalya

The weekly press briefing on the activities of the Ministry of National Defence was conducted, and Public Relations Consultant Rear Admiral Zeki Aktürk stated that the first indigenous torpedo, AKYA, will be launched from TCG Preveze (S-323) submarine in the Antalya Gulf on December 26.

AKYA is an indigenous design, a new-generation heavyweight torpedo launched from submarines to engage submarines and surface targets of various types. AKYA is a high-speed, long-range, fully autonomous or fibre optic wire-guided torpedo with an active/passive sonar homing head. In addition, AKYA employs wake-homing guidance for surface targets.

ARMERKOM, TÜBİTAK-SAGE and ROKETSAN worked jointly on the project.

The Akya was tested for the first time in 2013. More than 60 test launches have been conducted. All submarines in the Turkish Navy can launch the torpedo, but they will be first integrated into the Reis class submarines.

According to Admiral Aktürk, The Land Forces Command has completed the inspection and acceptance activities for various quantities of "Mini Smart Ammunition," "Countermeasure and Destruction System Against Mini/Micro UAVs," "Global Positioning Device," and "Mobile Airborne Detection Radar."

As part of the Operational UAV Project, the last AKSUNGUR UAV produced by TUSAŞ was officially inducted into the inventory of the Naval Forces Command in a ceremony held on December 15 at the Dalaman Naval Air Base. 


Furthermore, within the scope of the "8 Patrol Boat Project" signed between Defence Ministry-affiliated ASFAT and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Maritime General Directorate, the fourth domestically produced Auxiliary Patrol Boat, ASBOT, was delivered on December 16.