The Royal Air Force May to Replace its Hawk T2 Trainer Aircraft

The Royal Air Force May to Replace its Hawk T2 Trainer Aircraft

Royal Air Force might replace its cadet training Hawk T2 with a new solution due to availability problems. Royal Air Force (RAF) has a 28 Hawk T2 advanced jet trainer. The British Defence Ministry was planning to keep them in service until 2040. However, this plan might be changed as the trainer fleet has been faced with availability problems due to repeated failures at the Adour Mk-951 engine. In a written response to the Parliament, the ministry said, “The RAF has already launched a review into future capabilities for combat aircrew training. This review should help determine an approach for replacing the current ‘Advanced Jet Trainer’ capability. It will examine options regarding aircraft, simulators and the use of associated virtual reality so that we can offer a world-class training capability to the British armed forces.” The ministry will present its evaluation of estimated costs and a timetable for the replacement of the Hawk T2s in 2024. The solution must be compatible with the RAF’s 6th generation Global Combat Air Program, which is conducted in cooperation with Italy and Japan. Current options in the market are the M-346 from Leonardo, the T-50 Golden Eagle from Korea Aerospace Industries, and the T-7 Red Hawk from Boeing/Saab. It is worth noting that Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) Hürjet performed its maiden flight in April 2023, and the programme is running as planned. The RAF might also award British manufacturer Aeralis a project to cover the requirement.